Economy & Rates

Parsing the Red Sea Disruptions

Parsing the Red Sea Disruptions

7 min readFollowing pandemic-era supply chain disruptions, bottlenecks have become a top-of-mind subject for investors. At the center of the Fed’s tightening cycle was the soft landing—the idea that tighter financial conditions would help bring supply-and-demand into better balance, ease bottlenecks, and bring inflation toward 2% without significantly impacting growth. When last December’s Summary of Economic Projections…

Where is the Neutral Rate?

Where is the Neutral Rate?

9 min readCould potential changes in the economy from the end of the Fed’s tightening cycle lead to a higher neutral rate? Introduction With the Federal Reserve System (the “Fed”) nearing the end of its tightening cycle, the question for investors has shifted to whether rates can truly remain “higher for longer”, to quote the current in-phrase…