Credit & Risk

It’s Time to Focus on Credit and Risk Management

1 min readWith new rules for prime money market funds coming and Basel III banking reforms already here, many corporate cash managers are seeking alternatives. Major banks are limiting corporate cash deposits in response to new liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) requirements, and prime money funds will have new, less-attractive risk/reward profiles when they institute SEC-mandated floating net…

Nine Elements of Credit Approval for Cash Portfolios

Nine Elements of Credit Approval for Cash Portfolios

1 min readAbstract In this research commentary, we offer a behind the scenes look at the credit approval process for cash investment portfolios. We discuss nine essential components to help clarify a process that can sometimes seem mysterious and intimidating. Beyond Ratings – What Makes Cash Unique The Credit Universe – It’s All About Supply Preliminary Screening…

Investment-Grade A and BBB Securities Now A Viable Option for Many Cash Investors

Investment-Grade A and BBB Securities Now A Viable Option for Many Cash Investors

2 min readA supply shortage of investments suitable for short-term corporate cash management is looming, exacerbated by new Dodd-Frank and Basel III banking regulations and upcoming money market fund reforms. As bank deposits and money funds become less available and less attractive, treasury professionals will be considering other investment-grade securities. However, they can expect to find a…

When to Choose A Single Over A Double

When to Choose A Single Over A Double

2 min readResearch Highlights The ratio of roughly 3 to 1 single-A vs. double-A issuers suggests a liquid market sector and potential for better risk diversification. Average one-year default probability by a single-A corporate issuer was 0.1% in the last 10 years. Investing in single-A securities would have incurred cumulative credit losses of 1.1% over a five-year…

Demystifying Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

Demystifying Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

2 min readExecutive Summary ABCP can still be a good investment choice in large corporate treasury accounts due to the liquidity, flexibility, and yield potential of the asset class. Most traditional multi-seller conduits persevered through the recent financial crisis. Despite low issuance and investor skepticism, the mechanism of ABCP structures improved due to new regulatory measures. Potential…

Do BBB Corporate Bonds Belong in Treasury Management Portfolios?

Do BBB Corporate Bonds Belong in Treasury Management Portfolios?

2 min readAbstract BBB and Tier 2 rated debt instruments have evolved to a much larger presence in the short-duration corporate debt market than a decade ago. Default experiences and rating migration data suggest moderately higher credit risk than A-rated instruments, while expected returns also were higher. This ratings category opens up an opportunity set not found…

Another Regulatory Casualty

2 min readUpheaval and change seem to be the new normal for the short-term cash markets these days. A few weeks ago, General Electric announced the upcoming divesture of the majority of its finance business, a move that will reverse its status as a ‘non-bank systemically important financial institution’ (non-bank SIFI). The news is just the latest…

The End of an Era

The End of an Era

1 min readAbstract The GE announcement should be a positive credit event for creditors and bondholders. The divestiture is an event that has been seven years in the making and it will result in a significant reduction of commercial paper outstanding, especially for the direct issue CP market. Short-term corporate bond supply also will suffer. As higher…

Simplify Counterparty Risk

1 min readSeptember brought us a new war, escalating Russian sanctions, renewed equity volatility and a close call on the Scottish succession; all certainly a reminder of the complexities and challenges that can arise at any moment. As the month unfolded, we started fielding questions on the credit impact of these events, which financial institutions would be…