Author: Lance Pan

Lance Pan joined Capital Advisors Group in 2003. As Director of Investment Research and Strategy, Lance assesses the risk and relative value of asset classes and credits, creates advanced credit approval and surveillance procedures, issues credit opinions, and provides investment strategy recommendations. Lance oversees Capital Advisors Group’s Credit Committee.
The New Era of Cash Management

The New Era of Cash Management

2 min readThis book provides chief financial officers and corporate treasury executives with an overview of changes in the cash investment landscape and a guide to more effective hands-on management of corporate cash portfolios. Its three chapters explain: 1) why many investment managers are migrating to separately managed accounts (SMAs); 2) what investment policies for cash management…

The Transformation of Corporate Deposits in a New Regulatory Environment

The Transformation of Corporate Deposits in a New Regulatory Environment

2 min readAbstract Bank deposits have always represented the main cash management vehicle for institutions. Growth in deposits and money market fund balances crisscrossed each other over recent decades. Recent financial regulations, notably the liquidity coverage ratio, net stable funding ratio and G-SIB capital surcharges, caused deposit dynamics to change, reducing banks’ appetite for non-operating deposits. We…

Staying Afloat in a Floating Net Asset Value Money Market Fund

Staying Afloat in a Floating Net Asset Value Money Market Fund

2 min readAbstract This commentary addresses a number of liquidity challenges concerning institutional prime money market funds after October 2016. The floating net asset values, the provision of fees and gates and the institutional shareholder syndrome each presents a unique set of challenges. The reformed institutional prime product can remain viable for a certain population of current…

Benchmark Selection for Cash Portfolios

Benchmark Selection for Cash Portfolios

1 min readIntroduction Corporate treasury managers are frequently confronted with the task of picking the right benchmarks for their cash portfolios. Unlike stocks and long bonds, a market-based index is often too long or too risky for cash investments. Some treasurers resort to comparing “yield” earned on investments on the assumption that it is the only relevant…

When to Choose A Single Over A Double

When to Choose A Single Over A Double

2 min readResearch Highlights The ratio of roughly 3 to 1 single-A vs. double-A issuers suggests a liquid market sector and potential for better risk diversification. Average one-year default probability by a single-A corporate issuer was 0.1% in the last 10 years. Investing in single-A securities would have incurred cumulative credit losses of 1.1% over a five-year…

Demystifying Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

Demystifying Asset-Backed Commercial Paper

2 min readExecutive Summary ABCP can still be a good investment choice in large corporate treasury accounts due to the liquidity, flexibility, and yield potential of the asset class. Most traditional multi-seller conduits persevered through the recent financial crisis. Despite low issuance and investor skepticism, the mechanism of ABCP structures improved due to new regulatory measures. Potential…

Evaluating Performance Measurement

Evaluating Performance Measurement

2 min readIntroduction At first glance, the task of measuring investment returns of corporate cash portfolios seems relatively straightforward, since they most typically invest only in “plain vanilla” securities and have limited numbers of transactions. Treasury practitioners, however, often tell a different tale of performance measurement. One frequent complaint involves apples-to-oranges performance comparisons between money managers. Another…

Shaping Investment Policies for a Safer Cash Portfolio

Shaping Investment Policies for a Safer Cash Portfolio

2 min readAbstract We set out to answer 10 of the most common questions related to writing investment policy statements (“IPS”) for cash portfolios. In doing so, we will provide a number of peer group data comparisons to add insight to the process. The treasury investment management landscape has undergone significant changes. We found that investors recently…

Do BBB Corporate Bonds Belong in Treasury Management Portfolios?

Do BBB Corporate Bonds Belong in Treasury Management Portfolios?

2 min readAbstract BBB and Tier 2 rated debt instruments have evolved to a much larger presence in the short-duration corporate debt market than a decade ago. Default experiences and rating migration data suggest moderately higher credit risk than A-rated instruments, while expected returns also were higher. This ratings category opens up an opportunity set not found…

Stepping Out of Buy & Hold

Stepping Out of Buy & Hold

2 min readExecutive Summary The most compelling argument for total return strategies is demonstrated by a difference of 1.17% in annualized returns between the 1-month and the 1-3 year Treasury benchmarks in the 2005-2014 period. The return difference translates into $13.9 million for a hypothetical investment with a starting value of $100 million. Even though neither of…